
This is a simplified guide to show everyone how to use the DisCapTy library. This guide is meant for everyone, however if you’re an experienced developer, you might be interested to read the DisCapTy’s API directly.

To read this guide#

Before you read this guide, we need to explain some terms we will use here. The word we will define here will be reference in uppercase and italic through this guide, for example, the word CAPTCHA, defined below, will be used in the guide as “CAPTCHA”.

  1. GENERATOR: A GENERATOR is a class that can be initialized with required/optional arguments (Or none at all), and that will generate a CAPTCHA OBJECT based on any given input. The result can be of any form.

  2. RAW CODE/CODE: The RAW CODE or CODE is the code that you’ll provide to DisCapTy, it is a clear code, and it is the expected input of your user.

  3. CAPTCHA OBJECT: The CAPTCHA OBJECT is the result of a GENERATOR, it can be anything (Text, audio, image, etc…) and it is what the user will face during it’s CHALLENGE.

  4. CHALLENGE: A CHALLENGE is a temporary question-answer made for one single user. A CHALLENGE can have different states:

    • PENDING: The CHALLENGE is waiting to begin.

    • WAITING: The CHALLENGE has begun, he is now waiting for user’s input.

    • COMPLETED: The CHALLENGE has been completed with success.

    • FAILED: The CHALLENGE has been failed by the user. (Generally by giving too many wrong answers)

    • FAILURE: The CHALLENGE has unexpectedly failed (Such as cancelled)

    It is generally thrown away after being completed, or failed.

  5. CAPTCHA CLASS: Refers to the discapty.Captcha class.

  6. CHALLENGE CLASS: Refers to the discapty.Challenge class.

Objects of DisCapTy#

Assuming you’re reading this guide because this is the first time you’re interacting with DisCapTy, you may need to understand what objects will DisCapTy serves you. This is important because if your codebase doesn’t understand what you are using, you might find yourself into a mess that is not a captcha. 🤔


A CAPTCHA CLASS contain the RAW CODE and it’s CAPTCHA OBJECT in the same place. It is where you can check for user’s input directly using the .check function.


This class does not generates the CAPTCHA OBJECT itself, a GENERATOR do. The CAPTCHA CLASS just wrap the RAW CODE and the CAPTCHA OBJECT together.


The CHALLENGE CLASS is the DisCapTy’s implementation of a CHALLENGE. With the CHALLENGE CLASS, you are able to generate the captcha, verify’s user input, set a defined limit of retries, use a custom CODE, etc…

The CHALLENGE CLASS has different states, as stated in CHALLENGE. If the challenge state’s is either FAILED, FAILURE or COMPLETED, it cannot be edited. While properties are writable, you’re advised to not touch them manually.

You can access the states in discapty.States

Subclasses of discapty.Generator#

Any subclasses of discapty.Generator are considered to be GENERATORS. They can be used in Challenges <discapty.Challenge>, or directly, like this:

# TextGenerator is a subclass of Generator
from discapty import TextGenerator

captcha_object = TextGenerator().generate('My Code')


A generator can have default arguments arguments. You can change them directly when initializing the class:

# An image based Captcha object generator
from discapty import WheezyGenerator

captcha_object = WheezyGenerator(width=500, height=200, noise_level=3).generate('My code')  # Returns a PIL.Image.Image object


Certain generators will requires you to give certain arguments. In the case of DisCapTy’s builtin generators, they all have optional arguments.

Creating a Challenge#

Now that you know what you’ll interact with, it’s time for you to create your first CHALLENGE CLASS.

To create a CHALLENGE, you just have to initialize the CHALLENGE CLASS with an initialized generator you want to use.

from discapty import Challenge, TextGenerator

challenge = Challenge(TextGenerator())
captcha_object = challenge.begin()  # You'll obtain your CAPTCHA_OBJECT HERE

From here you can send your CAPTCHA OBJECT to your user, and you can validate the user’s input like this:

user_input = get_user_input()

is_valid_input = challenge.check(user_input)

This is a basic example, and it is a bad one, because the .check function can raise TooManyRetriesError if .check has been used more than the retries attributes allows it. This retries attribute can be edited when creating the CHALLENGE CLASS.

If you do like a more complete example, check the following:

from discapty import Challenge, TextGenerator, TooManyRetriesError

challenge = Challenge(TextGenerator(), retries=3)

first_captcha = challenge.begin()

# challenge.is_completed returns `True` when the Challenge's state is either completed or failed.
while not challenge.is_completed:
    user_input = get_user_input()

        is_right = challenge.check(user_input)
        # If it is right, the challenge will be completed.
    except TooManyRetriesError:
        # From here, challenge will be completed.
        is_right = False

    # The loop will continue until a right answer has been completed or if there is too many retries.

if is_right:

This code is already more suitable for your needs.

Creating a Captcha queue#

The DisCapTy’s Captcha queue permit the developers to store many CHALLENGE CLASS in one place, it takes cares of managing all of them. Putting in place the Captcha queue is fairly easy. The Captcha queue will always give an ID to a challenge, if you don’t pass one, an UUID will be generated for you.

To use the queue, as always you just need to initialize it with one or more initialized generator(s):

from discapty import CaptchaQueue, WheezyGenerator, TextGenerator

# With one generator
my_queue = CaptchaQueue(TextGenerator())

# With multiple generators
my_queue = CaptchaQueue([TextGenerator(), WheezyGenerator()])

if you use multiple generators, this mean that one generator will be picked randomly when creating a CHALLENGE CLASS.


This create inconsistency when generating CAPTCHA OBJECTS where you’ll need to check in your code what kind of CAPTCHA OBJECT you receive, for example, you may send an image differently from a string.

After then, you can create a challenge by calling .create_challenge:

from discapty import CaptchaQueue, TextGenerator

queue = CaptchaQueue(TextGenerator())

challenge = queue.create_challenge()  # You'll obtain a challenge here


challenge_id =
# To obtain your challenge through it's ID
challenge = queue.get_challenge(challenge_id)

# To delete/cancel your challenge